We have gathered all interesting articles about Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu that you can learn for beginners, escapes moves and techniques until BJJ gear and products reviews. All you want to know about Jiu Jitsu is right here at BJJGearJunkie.com! We work hard to add new content to the site. Don’t forget to check back often! Checkout our product review for Fight short de BoxeMuay Thai fight ShortsThai Boxing gear and fightwearMuay Thai boxing shorts that have been tested on for a few weeks and tried to push it to its limits and dried it a few times on high heat just to see what happen.
Boxing glovesMuay Thai EquipmentsMuay Thai Varusteet, and Muay Thai shorts that are worth carrying in your store. What are the major BJJ, MMA, K-1, Muay Thai gear companies?  Our Beginners section will be a great introduction to fundamental BJJ training including basic moves, tips and trick and techniques to the history of this great martial arts from Brazil.

You will find useful information to help you improve your move and BJJ skills. Every basic moves are right here, just look up. Interestingly, BJJ moves come in so many names: Scissor sweep, double ankle grab sweep, side mount to mount and many other Brazilian JiuJitsu way! Do you want to know the best way to learn Jiu Jitsu online? BJJ is a great self-defense martial arts. Learn more in Techniques and Escapes. There will be more tips to help you win your BJJ belts and become BJJ champion!

If you want to know how to succeed in BJJ and why MMA fighters should learn BJJ, check them all out! We know that you’re interested in Jiu-Jitsu, but we will make you fall in love with this most festinating and the fastest growing martial arts in the world today! If you’re new to the games, you will find ourMuay Thai products review quite helpful. Choosing the right BJJ gear is the best start.

Learn the differences of the gloves and what you should look for when buying BJJ or MMA equipment or even shorts or trunks that will support your training, not slowing you down. We have everything you need right here at BJJGearJunkie.com from the HOW TO, the Techniques and Products reviews! We do include links to other useful websites which we believe will help you with your BJJ training and goal!

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Scissor Sweep (Guard To Mount)

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Push Sweep (Guard To Mount)

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Double Ankle Grab Sweep (Guard To Mount)

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ฺฺBrazilian Jiu Jitsu Belts Requirements

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Basics How to Bridge

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