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Side Mount To Mount – Knee Drive
on: by auuytmdt
Learning The Side Mount To Mount – Knee Drive Anyone who’s starting out in JiuJitsu, A.K.A the White Belts, have to soak up all they can about bjj in order to progress further and be more capable fighters.
The Insides of a Muay Thai Fighter’s Training Bag
on: by auuytmdt
If you’ve found yourself interested in learning Muay Thai, then it’s a sure thing that you’ve visited quite a few Muay Thai gyms around your area. Inquiring as you go, you’ve surely seen Muay Thai fighters lugging around huge training bags
Improving Your Butterfly SweepWith 1 Simple Change
on: by auuytmdt
Whether you’re doing a butterfly sweep from an open guard or a closed one, as a novice, you’re bound to make many mistakes. You may think that you’re doing it right. But, trust me, you’re not and you shouldn’t take offense
Upward Lift Escape (Under Mount)
on: by auuytmdt
Learning How To Do An Upward Lift Escape + Tips As a white belt, it’s easy to fall in love with all the complex moves you see being done by professional fighters and trying to emulate them during practice. But, given
5 MMA Gears That You Should Definitely Have When Training
on: by auuytmdt
While it is possible to train MMA with only a pair of shorts to go with, it’s not possible to do so with that effectively. Not only that, not having any MMA gear puts you and your training partners at risk
Introduction to the Knee-Push Sweep from Guard
on: by auuytmdt
The Knee-Push guard recovery is one of the most fundamental escapes known in BJJ along with the “buck and roll”. Many experts emphasize on practicing just these two escapes on all sorts of opponents, as the movements involved in the said
Why BJJ Is Useful As a Form of Self-Defense
on: by auuytmdt
BJJ is one of the fastest growing forms of martial arts in the world today and for good reason, it’s effective. It may be one of the hardest to learn and the learning curve may be steep, but even a few
Choosing a Pair of Boxing Gloves That Will Last
on: by auuytmdt
Even if you’re just boxing for the sake of fitness, it’s important that you buy Muay Thai Boxing Gloves yourself your own pair. Not only is this more hygienic, as communal gym gloves usually stink, but a high-quality pair of gloves
Tying Your JiuJitsu Belt The Proper Way
on: by auuytmdt
Tying Your JiuJitsu Belt The Proper Way JiuJitsu, much like any other combat sport or martial art, is full of tradition. In fact, the art itself puts heavy emphasis on tradition and respecting it, especially in regards to the Gi (pronounced
A Brief Look At The History of Jiu-Jitsu
on: by auuytmdt
In order to fully immerse yourself in the art of JiuJitsu and all of its principles, it’s important that you take a look at its history and how it came to be.